Wednesday 12 August 2015

How am I doing?

Hello my lovelies,

It has been so long since I have written in this blog. I decided that it was about time I started again. I didn't think that it had been a year but wow!! So much time has passed, so much in my life has changed and then there are the things that are still the same.

So first of all, I am no longer out of work!! It didn't happen over night, I didn't just wake up one day and think I could start working again. It took a long time and a lot of building up. But i got there and I am now the proud owner of a Beauty Salon!! I still cannot believe that every morning when I get up and come to work I am coming to my own Salon.

A little back story in to why... I knew going back to work would not be easy and I knew that I wouldn't be able to work for anyone else. The stress of even just considering it caused a flare with my Fibromyalgia! I couldn't imagine being able to call in sick a few times a month when things got too much for me. Having set hours as well would be tough for me. So I decided I would start off part time and see how I got on. I work around myself. If I don't have anyone booked in the morning I open later. That is the beauty of owning my own place! If I worked for someone else I would have to come in anyway. This morning for example my first client was at 11. I normally open at 10. I was in a lot of pain and didn't sleep great, so I messaged my dad and asked him to come and pick me up an hour later than usual so that I could have an extra little rest. I am loving it, but it is not without its own stresses. It is hard going, but it feels very worth it and I love what I do. I love getting to meet new people and creating bonds with clients and getting to know them and becoming like a friend to them. Some are even like family to me. I have one girl working for me and hoping to have another soon. I know that I cannot do it all on my own which is very important for me to be aware off, as it would be detrimental to my health and of recent times it has been. Due to unfortunate circumstances I have had to do more hours than normal to cover and it has caused my nerve damage in my right shoulder to flare up and I am exhausted. I have had times were I have been so exhausted that I literally couldn't keep my eyes open. I know I am working a lot and overdoing it, but once things settle I will be able to back off a little and all this hard work will pay off.

Anyway. Enough about the salon. How am i physically.... I stopped the morphine patches and went back to tramadol and naproxen. I took those for months. I also changed from cymbalta to nortryptaline. It took a long period of adjusting to that though and weaning off the cymbalta. It had a bad effect on me but I got through it. So the nortryptaline has been helping me sleep at night and boosting my moods as well. I tried going off the tramadol and taking cocodomol for a month but that had bad repercussions, so i am right back on them again. I still have my bad days were I physically cannot do anything and struggle to get out of bed, but instead of being most of the week it is once a week. I have been able to claw my way back to some sort of life. I try to get out walking every day to keep my body moving and stay mobile. As I am aware that my job is very stationary and it would be worse long term for me if I didn't get exercise. I am still spending a lot of time with my mother in law and walking the dog every night. I am sore by the end of the day but I need to keep the walking to keep me mobile and not seize up.

Emotionally I am not great right now. I have been through some stuff lately that has knocked the stuffing out of me a little, but in time I will get through it and be ok. I have a great family support and my husband is my rock. So I will be back on form soon. Just for now I am very down and emotional. But we all get times were we are up and down. This is just a down time for me.

Hubby and I made it back to Florida, finally after 5 years of no holidays. I promised myself if it got too much I would hire a scooter or wheelchair. But pride kicked in and I didn't. I couldn't do it! I regret that a lot. There were nights especially at the end of the holiday were I couldn't sleep because i was in so much pain. The day before coming home was ruined for me because I ached so much. Hubby loved it, he was in his element in Universal and loving the coasters. I am going to do a video for my vlog channel with a load of our pictures from the holiday. So keep your eyes peeled for that I will share it will you here when I post it.

I am hoping to do weekly updates to keep you informed on what is new and how I am doing, because I am sure there are plenty of you who would love some feedback on being back to work as you may be considering the same thing yourself. So I will try to post on a Monday or Tuesday each week.

Anyway I hope you guys are all well, and I am sure there are plenty of things I should have addressed that I have forgotten but there is plenty of time. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a wee shout here or on my email

Love you all,

Chat soon. xxxxxxx