Sunday 18 May 2014

Old pain coming back to haunt me

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Hey my lovelies,

Well heres an oldy. My back and stomach muscles are in spasm. Can hardly breathe through the pain. Its been a long time since this happened, next it will travel to my chest and I won't be able to move at all. Has any of you guys ever experienced similar pain.

I used to get this all the time. I remember 2008 in Florida was one of the worst times, Id be bad with it for weeks. Going in to work on no sleep at all because of the pain and then was on holiday and kept having to go home from parks and shopping because I couldn't breathe with the pain. I hope this pain tonight is a one off and not long lasting.  It was horrible! I remember the first time thomas and I ever went to Downtown Disney after half an hour we were back in the car because I couldn't breathe through the pain. I thought I was going to pass out it was so bad. It starts off just below the middle of my back, then I feel pain in my stomach muscles, then it moves further up and up until my whole torso is in total spasm.

As if things weren't rubbish enough as it was already, I haven't slept for a couple of days. I just lie there tossing and turning. For the most part its not so much the pain. I just can't switch off. Thomas was convinced it was because I was on my iPad for so long in to the night, but it isn't that because the last two nights I have put it away for at least an hour or two and tried to doze off, to no avail. It is driving me insane. I didn't even get to go to church today. I know Satan is fighting against me and trying to stop me from getting to church, but there was no way I could go, simply because Id have struggled to sit, and the heat and focusing would have caused me to start drifting off. I have always struggled with things like that from a young age. People used to wonder why I would always fall asleep in classes for no reason. It would only ever happen if I was listening to someone talk for long periods of time. If I was working and active I would be fine. I have had the same issues in work places. For instance training days are the worst because theres only so long I can stay awake for. It has got worse over the years. Even when I was doing my nail technician courses I struggled with the theory part, however the practical parts I was wide awake and fine with. Exhausted by the end of the day but I can get through active days better than days were I have to concentrate on someone talking. I even find it hard to edit my videos because I am trying to focus on my own voice and start nodding off. Maybe I should do that at bed time, try and listen to my own voice lol.

Anyway I am so exhausted, it is 8:30pm and I am going to head to bed, I have had my night time medication already so I am hoping that it works. I think I will try and not touch my iPad at all tonight. I have a lot that needs done tomorrow. Dog needs to go to vets, I need to go to doctors with my mum, I have to go price a carpet. I need to sort out my salon as theres so much rubbish in it from getting the box room re painted.

Anyway ramble ramble. ....

I will chat to you all soon my lovelies. Sending you all loving hugs and prayers for pain less days and restful sleep.

God Bless,

Lyndsey xxxxxx

Monday 12 May 2014

Fibromyalgia Awareness Day 12 May 2014

Hello my beautiful warriors and friends.

I hope you are all having a pain free evening, day, afternoon or whatever time of day or night it is.

I have been loving watching the feeds on Facebook be inundated with people posting about fibro awareness and sharing other peoples status's and pictures etc.

I have been neglecting talking about fibro so much on my youtube channel and I really need to get that sorted because one of the major reasons I started my channel was to show people more about what life is like living with this horrible condition.

I have a video coming this week talking about Wheatgrass and how it has affected my body and I want to start doing more videos on ways to try and help our bodies as well. I am hoping to get other peoples input in to what helps them and how they are trying to battle it along side or even instead of medication.

On the note of medication, I have had a horrendous few days, I ran out of my tramadol last week, I thought I had more than I did and then when my mum went to pick up my script on friday the chemist had screwed up and couldn't find the script. So I was going crazy, the pain was horrible, I couldn't sleep. My left hand side from my neck to my foot gets the worst restless pain and it has been keeping me awake. This morning I was still awake when Thomas came home at 6am, I ended up going to lie on the sofa and finally dozed off around 8am I slept for two hours. So I am pretty tired now. I was taking cocodomal over the weekend, but it was basically just taking the edge off. Now that I have tramadol back in my system I am feeling a little better but it will take days for it to actually ease properly from the state it is now and also to feel more awake.

I am trying to build a business for myself to work from home, but it is starting to feel like 2 steps forward 10 back. I feel like every time I get somewhere and feel more human and like I can actually really get stuck in my body laughs at me and thinks yeah right!! I hate that I have not been making money. I hate being on benefits. Hmmmm perhaps this could actually be a video talking about how it feels to live on benefits?!? What do you think? Do you think it could be a good video to give insight in to what it actually makes us feel like to have to rely on benefits???

Anyway I am off to bed. I want to get some filming done tomorrow and some blogging on my Beauty Blog.

Love and prayers to you all,

xxxxxx (beauty) (vlogging)